Sunday 4 March 2018


Content: MEANNING AND DEFINITION OF ICT: The term ICT keeps on changing fast with technology. About fifteen years ago, there was nothing like internet (Global connection of different computers) but now, we have sophisticated devices that can communicate information in the twinkle of an eye. However, the term ICT stands for I – Information C- Communication T- Technology. I.e. Information and communications Technology. TYPES OF ICT 1. Broadcasting 2. Telecommunication 3. Data networks 4. Satellite communication 5. Information system 1. Broadcasting: This refers to a method of transferring a message to all recipients simultaneously; Broadcasting can be performed as a high level operation in a program. 2. Telecommunication: It is the transmission of information over a significant distance to communicate. Telecommunication involves the use of visual signals such as beacons, smoke signals, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags and optical heliographs or audio messages via coded drumbeats, or sent by loud whistles. In this modern day of electricity and electronics, telecommunication now also includes the use of electrical devices such as telephones, telegraph. 3. Data Network: Data network are telecommunications network that are installed and operated for information exchange between data communication devices such as computers and voice gateways. 4. Information system: Information system is a system that uses information technology, to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis and approach in an organization. Information system is the pillars for conducting business today. Information system transforms raw data into useful information through information technology. 5. Satellite Communication: Communication satellite provides a means of transmitting telecommunications all over the globe, without the need for a network of wires and cables. They orbit the earth at all times. They orbit the earth at all times. The satellites receive transmission from the earth and transmit them back to numerous earth station receivers scattered within the receiving coverage area of the satellite. BENEFITS OF ICT General benefits · Greater efficiency throughout the school. · Communication channels are increased through email, discussion groups and chat rooms · Regular use of ICT across different curriculum subjects can have a beneficial motivational influence on students’ learning. Benefits for teachers · ICT facilitates sharing of resources, expertise and advice · Greater flexibility in when and where tasks are carried out · Gains in ICT literacy skills, confidence and enthusiasm. · Easier planning and preparation of lessons and designing materials · Access to up-to-date pupil and school data, anytime and anywhere. · Enhancement of professional image projected to colleagues. · Students are generally more ‘on task’ and express more positive feelings when they use computers than when they are given other tasks to do. · Computer use during lessons motivated students to continue using learning outside school hours. Benefits for students · Higher quality lessons through greater collaboration between teachers in planning and preparing resources. · More focused teaching, tailored to students’ strengths and weaknesses, through better analysis of attainment data · Improved pastoral care and behavior management through better tracking of students · Gains in understanding and analytical skills, including improvements in reading · Comprehension. · Development of writing skills (including spelling, grammar, punctuation, editing and re-drafting), also fluency, originality and elaboration. · Encouragement of independent and active learning, and self-responsibility for learning. · Flexibility of ‘anytime, anywhere’ access (Jacobsen and Kremer, 2000) · Development of higher level learning styles. · Students who used educational technology in school felt more successful in school, were more motivated to learn and have increased self-confidence and self-esteem · Students found learning in a technology-enhanced setting more stimulating and student-centred than in a traditional classroom · Broadband technology supports the reliable and uninterrupted downloading of web-hosted educational multimedia resources · Opportunities to address their work to an external audience · Opportunities to collaborate on assignments with people outside or inside school Benefits for parents · Easier communication with teachers · Higher quality student reports – more legible, more detailed, better presented · Greater access to more accurate attendance and attainment information · Increased involvement in education for parents and, in some cases, improved self-esteem · Increased knowledge of children’s learning and capabilities, owing to increase in learning activity being situated in the home · Parents are more likely to be engaged in the school community · You will see that ICT can have a positive impact across a very wide range of aspects of

1 comment:

  1. MarkersPro offers its customers a comprehensive single mobile app for parents, students & staff. The mobile app is available for both iOS and Android platforms. MarkersPro email module is used to send emails to system users. Message can be sent in mass by user role or can be sent to individual users. Announcements can be sent in mass by user role or can be sent to individual users.

    MarkersPro offers its customers a comprehensive single mobile app for parents, students & staff. The mobile app is available for both iOS and Android platforms. MarkersPro email module is used to send emails to system users. Message can be sent in mass by user role or can be sent to individual users. Announcements can be sent in mass by user role or can be sent to individual users.

    MarkersPro offers its customers a comprehensive single mobile app for parents, students & staff. The mobile app is available for both iOS and Android platforms. MarkersPro email module is used to send emails to system users. Message can be sent in mass by user role or can be sent to individual users. Announcements can be sent in mass by user role or can be sent to individual users.

    School Communication System
    School Messaging System
