Thursday 26 April 2018


CONTENT A flow chart helps in showing the sequence of different approaches in solving a problem. Flow chart is very concise in nature. It identifies steps needed in solving a problem and shows these steps with connecting lines and arrows to indicate the order in which the steps are performed. FLOWCHARTING SYMBOLS INPUT/OUTPUT FLOW LINES HARD DISK PROCESSING SYMBOL DECISION BOX FLOPPY DISK FOW CHART CONNECTOR MERGE COLLATE EXTRACT TERMINA SYMBOL SORT DISPLAY DESCRIPTION OF EACH SYMBOLS Input symbol means the feeding of data and output symbol means print out of the data or display on computer screen. Note: we can print the value of ‘a’ after feeding the values of ‘b’ and ‘c’ FLOW LINES: Flow lines are used to connect various symbols i.e. it shows the flow of logics. PROCESSING SYMBOL: Represents the processing of data DECISION BOX: False(No) IS A1 > A2 True(Yes) Here A1 represent area of a rectangle and A2 represent area of a square. The decision symbol defines logical operation with the result of decision (with true / false or Yes/ No). CONNECTOR SYMBOL Connector symbol is used for the purpose of junction. Sometimes the flow chart can’t be completed on a single page and it requires two or more pages, then the connector symbol is used to indicate another page. PREPARE/ INITIALISE These symbols are used to initialize constants and variables that will be used by the program. A flowchart always starts with START and ends with STOP as shown in examples below. Flowchart to calculate and print 60% of 450 Naira


CONTENT To make a computer do anything you have to write a computer program. To write a computer program you have to tell the computer, step by step exactly what you want it to do. Definition An Algorithm can be defined as the set of rules and sequential steps that define how a particular problem can be solved in finite and ordered sequence. An Algorithm written in a computer is called a program. Simply speaking an Algorithm is called the heart of programing. An Algorithm describes a method by which a given task is accomplished. A Flow Chart is the pictorial representation in which symbols are used to show the various operations and decisions to be followed in solving a problem. FUNCTIONS OF ALGORITHMS An Algorithm generally takes some input, carries out a number of effective steps in a finite amount of time, and produces some output CHARACTERISTICS OF ALGORITM 1. UNAMBIGUOUS: It should state clearly what each line of the Algorithm does 2. DEFINITE AND EFFECTIVE: This implies the successful termination of the program. Thus every Algorithm should have the following characteristics 1. Input 2. Output 3. Definiteness 4. Effectiveness 5. Termination An Algorithm uses the words BEGIN start and END to end BEGIN(start of algorithm) Step1 Step2 Step3 …………. ………….. Step n END(END OF ALGORITHM) An algorithm to print ten odd numbers Input : the start number Output: First ten odd numbers STEPS: 1. Let the first number be n 2. n =1 3. Print n 4. Count c =1 5. Add 2 to n 6. Add 1 to c 7. Is c > 10 : Go to step 5 8. Stop 9. End algorithm An algorithm to print average of given sets of numbers Input: read the value of n where n is the total numbers we have Output: the average of numbers STEPS: 1. Read n 2. I =1, sum =0 3. If i>n go to 9 4. Read the value of X 5. SUM =SUM +x 6. I =I +1 7. Go to 3 8. Average = SUM/ n 9. Print Average 10. End


CONTENT NOTE: PLS TAKE NOTE THAT SPACES SHOULD BE LEFT THE SAME WAY IT IS HERE Program development can be divided into several stages which are shown in the diagram below 1. Problem definition: This stage is the formal definition of task. It includes the specification of inputs and outputs processing requirements, system constraints( execution time, accuracy, response time), and error handling method 2. Problem Analysis: This step is the process of becoming familiar with the problem that will be solved with a computer program. The process ends when all the programmers’ questions have been resolved and requirement of the program are understood. 3. Flowcharting: ones the overall problem has been identified, the next stage of software development is program design. The programmer must decide, prior to writing his program, exactly which steps should the computer takes to solve an identified problem. This should be envisioned as a step by step procedure. The resulted diagram is called a flowchart 4. Desk Checking: Another way of testing the logic of a program is to carry out desk- check that is executing the statements of algorithm yourself on a sample data. 5. Program coding: The next step is the process of transforming the program logic design into a computer language format. This stage translates the program design into computer instructions. 6. Program compilation: in general the compiler will go through a few steps: a) Lexical Analysis: making sure all the symbols in the source code are legal and turning them into tokens for the next step b) Syntactic analysis: analyse the tokens, ensuring they follow the rules of the language grammar c) Code generation: uses syntax to create some form of intermediate language, often times assembly language d) Code optimization 7. Program Testing and Debugging: This stage is the discovery and correction of programming errors. Few programs run correctly the first time, so debugging is an important and time consuming stage of software development. Testing stage is the validation of the program. Testing makes sure the program performs correctly the required task. 8. Program Documentation: this stage is the documentation of the program so that who use and maintain it can understand it, so that program can be extended to further applications. A compiler: A compiler is a computer program or sets of programs that translates text written in a high level language( source Language) into another computer language (the target language) source code source w/substitution Flow diagram of a compiler An Interpreter: An interpreter is a computer program that executes other programs. This is in contrast to a compiler which does not execute its input program. exter A flow diagram of an interpreter Examples of Interpreted Languages are BASIC, COBOL Compiled languages are C, ALGOL, Visual Foxpro etc.

CLASS: SS2 WEEK 3 TOPIC: Program Development

An organized list of instructions that, when executed, causes the computer to behave in a predetermined manner is called a program. There are many programming languages --C, C++, Pascal, BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, and LISP are just few. These are high level programing languages. We also have low level language called assembly languages and machine language. Eventually, every program must be translated into machine language that the computer understands. This translation is done by a compiler, interpreters, and assembler. When you buy software, you normally buy an executable version of program. This means that the program is already in machine language i.e it has already been compiled and assembled and it’s ready to execute. CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD PROGRAM: 1. Accuracy: program should be sufficiently accurate to get the desired result 2. Simplicity: program logic should be as simple and uncomplicated as possible 3. Testability: place test points in the program 4. Efficiency: design program to use the least amount of primary storage and fewest devices possible. 5. Flexibility: account for all possible varieties of data input and processing conditions 6. Generality: Design the program to be generalized and flexible. PRECAUTIONS IN PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT There are certain precautions that one should take during the development of a program. These are: 1. Patience: one should be patient enough and should not rush during programming process 2. Step following: All the steps of a program should be followed religiously without skipping of steps 3. Execution order: The order of execution of instructions should be followed 4. Fresh mind: one should be sufficiently fresh to work on a program


I. Preliminary study: Is the first stage of system development life cycle. This is the brief investigation of the system under consideration and gives a clear picture of what actually the physical system is. In practice, the initial system study involves the preparation of a ‘System Proposal’ which list the problem definition, objectives of study, Terms of reference for study etc. II. Feasibility study: In case the system proposal is acceptable to the management, the next phase is to examine the feasibility of the system. The feasibility study is basically the test of the proposed system in the light of its workability, meeting user’s requirements, effective use of resources and of course, the cost effectiveness. III. Detailed system study/ Investigative study: This involved detailed study of various operations performed by a system and their relationship s within and outside the system. Data are collected by interview, questionnaire and on site observation. IV. System analysis: system analysis is a process of collecting factual data , understand the process involved, identifying problems and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the system functioning. V. System design: Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of the existing system, the new system must be designed. VI. Implementation: After having the user acceptance of the new system developed, the implementation phase begins. Implementation is the stage of a project during which theory is turned into practice. VII. Maintenance: Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors during its working life and to tune the system to any variations in it working environments. VIII. Study review: Review activities occur several times throughout this phase. Each time the system is reviewed, one of the following decisions will be made: • The system is operating as intended and meeting performance expectation • The system is not operating as intended and needs correction and modifications • The users are/ are not satisfied with the operation and performance of the system.


Content: Definition: The System Development life Cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application. Various SDLC methodologies have been developed to guide the process involved including the waterfall model (the original SDLC method), rapid application development (RAD), joint application development (JAD), and the fountain model and spiral model. Description A Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has three primary objectives: ensure that high quality systems are delivered, provide strong management controls over the projects, and maximize the productivity of the systems staff. In order to meet these objectives the SDLC has many specific requirements it must meet, including being able to support projects and systems of various scopes and types, supporting all of the technical activities, supporting all management activities, being highly useable, and providing guidance on how to install it. The technical activities include: system definition (analysis, design, coding), testing, system installation, production support. The management activities include: setting priorities, defining objectives, project tracking and status reporting, change control, risk assessment etc SYSTEM LIFE CYCLE System Life cycle is an organization process of developing and maintaining systems. It helps in establishing a system project plan, because it gives overall list of processes and sub processes required for system developing. STAGES OF SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE: The following are the different stages of system development life cycle I. Preliminary study II. Feasibility study III. Detailed system study/ Investigation study IV. System analysis V. System design VI. Implementation VII. Maintenance VIII. Study review


CONTENT Definition: Word processing is the art of using computer to type and edit text and graphics in letters, reports, term papers etc. To perform word processing you need a computer set and software called word processor. Word processor enables you to create letter, term paper, newsletter, memo etc and stores those documents electronically on a disk or open the document for editing or printing. Examples of word processor 1. Word perfect 2. Word star 3. MS-Word 4. Loco Script 5. Ami-Pro 6. Word Craft FEATURES OF A WORD PROCESSOR Any word processor can perform the following operations; 1. You can paste document images pictures etc as many times as possible 2. Copy, duplication of an item 3. Search and replace: you can easily search for word and replaced it with another word 4. Printer can be used to print a hard copy of the document. Word processing has so many advantages over manual type writer as itemized below: 1. The use of computer allows for a neat job 2. Correction can be easily done without hassles 3. It allows mail merging operation 4. It gives to print as many copies as possible 5. Text can be formatted to suit the user taste 6. COPY AND PASTE: This feature let you copy data from any source to the clipboard and then paste them anywhere you want 7. PRINT PRIEVIEW: You can easily view your work to know how it will appear when printed.


BOOTING: Booting is a process that starts operating system when the user turns on the computer. Steps in booting a Computer: I. Put on the switch on the main socket to supply power to the system. II. Switch on the voltage regulator( known as stabilizer) III. Switch on the UPS IV. Switch on the monitor before the system unit V. Wait for system check until you see start up icon, if you are using window Operating system. It is advisable to watch out for any unusual message that might be displayed on the screen during this period and respond appropriately. The computer tests its entire hardware component to ensure that they are in working condition. The test is known as power on self-test (POST). If booting is successful, the operating system is loaded from the disk into RAM. The screen shows icons such as the computer, recycling bin, internet explorer. At this point computer is ready for use. TYPES OF BOOTING: We have two types of booting: warm booting and cold booting Warming Booting: means re-starting the computer after it has been switched on and it is still currently working. This take place when any of the following problems occur. 1. Changing of the computer during system checks 2. Stopping of the booting process due to some hardware failure 3. Sudden power failure resulting in the abortion of a running program 4. Failure of some programs to execute Cold booting: when computer is switched on from the scratch following the the above procedure of powering up a computer. Difference between Cold Booting and Warm Booting COLD BOOTING WARM BOOTING THE SYSTEM IS TURNED ON FROM THE SCRATCH THE SYSTEM IS ALREADY ON COLD BOOTING IS SLOWER WARM BOOTING IS FASTER SYSTEM CHECKS TAKES PLACE AND YOU SEE WINDOWS DESKTOP AFTER BOOTING CONMPUTER SKIPES SOME STAGES OF THE SYTEM BOOT PROCESSES COMPONENTS OF WINDOWS DESKTOP Windows desktop is the area of the screen where icon task bar and background are shown after booting the computer system. ICON: This is the graphical representation of an item in the computer e.g Recycle Bin, My computer etc Task Bar: The task bar is the line at the bottom of the desktop. The start button, the names of programs that are currently running appear on the task bar and the quick launch toolbar can be found at the task bar. BACKGROUND: The background of window desktop can take any colour or design. We have different types of background depending on the choice of the users. Functions of Desktop: Within the desktop, you can create and delete, folder file can be copied from one directory to another through the desktop. Running an Application Program: I. Click on start button, menus appear II. Click on programs, sub menus appear look for the application you want to run e.g MS-word. SHUTTING DOWN THE SYSTEM 1. Close all open windows or running programs 2. Click the start button and click “shutdown”


ICT BASED GADGETSARE THE FOLLOWING:  Mobile phones  Computer  Fax machines  Automated Teller Machine  Dispensing machines  Point of Sales Machine-Automated Cash Register(ACR)  Radio sets  Television sets Mobile Phones: A mobile phone is an electronic device for making calls across a wide geographical area. It is also called cell phones or hand phone. Computer: This is an electronic device that process information Fax Machines: Fax means facsimile transmission, it is a system long established before the area of modern GSM. Fax system uses scanning technology, to transfer text and graphics from one machine to another. The locations of the machines involved are irrelevant. Fax is an effective method of transmission when paper or documents are involved. ATM: This is an electronic banking outlet where individual customer with his/her pin number can complete basic transaction. Dispensing Machine: This is the machine which dispenses items such as snacks, beverages, lottery tickets, consumer products. Radio: It’s a voice transmission that is designed to reach vast audience in and around the country. Television: This is a mode of transmitting information, event to people by audio-visual means.


Content: As mentioned in our previous lesson some important application area of ICT are: 1. Video Conferencing 2. Tele conferencing 3. Tele Presence 4. Tele Communicating and Network 5. Tele Computing 6. Messaging 7. Information Search, retrieval and archival 1. Video Conferencing: This is a technology whereby two or more people at different locations can see and hear each other at the same time, as if they were in the same room and there is possibility of sharing computer applications for collaboration. Telephone is not the same as a video call. A video conferencing system requires the audio visual equipment, which includes a monitor, camera, microphone, and speaker as a means of transmission. BENEFITS 1. Meetings can be arrange at short notices 2. Personnel reports can be made with less disruption to everyday activities 3. An individual can exchange information and communicate with one another either in same building or around the world 4. Individuals can exchange information an communicate with one another either in the same building or around the world. 5. An individual can collaborate on a research paper with one another making use of video conferencing TELECONFERENCING: A teleconference is a meeting or a gathering held via a telephone or a network connection between participants in remote cities or work sites. Terms such as audio conferencing, telephone conferencing and phone conferencing are also sometimes used to refer to teleconferencing. BENEFITS The advantage of using teleconference for businesses include saving in travel time and cost to get all participants to one location. Its quicker to organize than arranging a meeting.

CLASS ; SS1 WEEK 1 LESSON TOPIC: Revision of Last Term 2nd term

CLASS ; SS1 WEEK 1 LESSON TOPIC: Revision of Last Term 2nd term

ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. Computer is one of the ICT devices. ICT provides a range of different methods that we can use to communicate with each other among them are. 1. Video Conferencing 2. Tele conferencing 3. Tele Presence 4. Tele Communicating and Network 5. Tele Computing 6. Messaging 7. Information Search, retrieval and archival

CLASS ; SS1 WEEK 1 LESSON TOPIC: Revision of Last Term 2nd term

ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. Computer is one of the ICT devices. ICT provides a range of different methods that we can use to communicate with each other among them are. 1. Video Conferencing 2. Tele conferencing 3. Tele Presence 4. Tele Communicating and Network 5. Tele Computing 6. Messaging 7. Information Search, retrieval and archival

CLASS ; SS1 WEEK 1 LESSON TOPIC: Revision of Last Term 2nd term

ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. Computer is one of the ICT devices. ICT provides a range of different methods that we can use to communicate with each other among them are. 1. Video Conferencing 2. Tele conferencing 3. Tele Presence 4. Tele Communicating and Network 5. Tele Computing 6. Messaging 7. Information Search, retrieval and archival