Tuesday 30 January 2018


Content: BASIC ARITHMETIC OPERATORS: They are expressed in terms of a hierarchy of operations in which operations of high priority are performed first. BASIC operator includes the following. OPERATOR SYMBOL OPERATION ^ Exponential * Multiplication / Division + Addition _ Subtraction BASIC ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION These Arithmetic expressions are not formed according to the same rule of Algebra and mathematics. The following symbols are used to denote arithmetic operations. SYMBOL MEANING EXAMPLE IN ARITHMETIC IN BASIC ↑ Exponential BA B↑A * Multiplication A x B A * B / Division A/B A/B + Addition A + B A + B _ Subtraction A - B A - B The following rule most be adhered to Precedence Rules: The BASIC expression equally follows the precedent rule. The computer will perform the exponential first, then multiplication or division, then addition or subtraction And if two or more operators of the same hierarchy appear in an expression, the order of evaluation is from left to right Example Mathematic Expression BASIC Expression a b d (A * B * D) (c + d)(e +f) ( C + D)*(E + F) 6 X3 6 * X^3 (2 X y)/(c-B ) 2 *Y / c – B LOGICAL OPERATORS They operate tests on multiple relations or BOO lean operators Examples: = Equal to < Less than > Greater than <= Less than or equal to <> Not equal to PUNCTUATION MARKS Examples: (.) Decimal (,) Comma (“”) Quotation Mark (:) Colon & Semi colon (;) BASIC STATEMENT: They are statement that causes the computer to execute certain actions. ORDER OF OPERATIONS Line number Remark (REM) Assignment ( LET, INPUT, DATA) Output statement Print Programme terminator [END, STOP] Write a BASIC program to find the area of a rectangle 10 REM PROGRAM TO FIND THE AREA OF A RECTANGLE 20 REM AND PRINT AREA 30 INPUT “ENTER THE LENGTH OF THE RECTANGLE”; L 40 INPUT “ENTER THE BREADTH OF THE RECTANGLE”; B 50 AREA = L* B 60 PRINT “AREA =”, AREA 70 END


Content: BASIC means Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is a powerful multi-purpose language and a business data processor. It is available on a variety of micro and mini computers. It’s a programing language with the ability to perform all the functions of scientific processing. BASIC was developed in 1963 at Dart Mouth College in Hanover, USA as a teaching language. BASIC CHARACTER BASIC character includes three sub-divisions. These are: 1. Alphabet 2. Numeric 3. Special character 1. Alphabet Character: This consists of upper case and lower case of 26 letters. 2. Numeric Character consist of numbers ranging from 0 to 9 3. Special Character: The following are special characters available in Basic. Blank - minus * asterisk ) Right parenthesis ) Left parenthesis , comma . Point : Colon ; Semi colon “” Double Quotation mark etc. Assignment: list all the acceptable special characters in BASIC TYPES OF DATA: BASIC Programing has two types of data: 1. Numeric : It is composed of integers and real numbers, for example, 24, -2, -70, 96 2. String data : this is a sequence of characters delimited (separated) by the use of double quotes for example “BOLA”, “5 AYO ADEKOYA CLOSE” BASIC STATEMENT They are statements that cause computer to execute certain actions. They include the following: LET, READ, INPUT, DATA, END, and PRINT STATEMENTS. ETC


CONTENT A programming language describes the way in which the instructions that make up a computer program are written. The three basic types of programming language are machine language, assembly language and high –level language. LEVELS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 1. Machine Language (MC) 2. Low Level Language (LLL) 3. High Level Language (HLL) 1. Machine Language: A machine language is a programming language composed of numeric instructions. It is made up of strings of binary digits specific to a particular make and model of a computer. Each machine language instruction is stored in one storage location as a binary number, but usually written in the octal or hexadecimal form. Most instructions consist of two parts, namely, an operation code that indicates what operation is to be performed and the address of the operand indicating where the necessary data can be found. FEATURES OF MACHINE LANGUAGE I. It is machine dependent II. Consume less space of the computer memory unlike high level language III. It is written in 0’s and 1’s IV. It is very difficult to write and modify ADVANTAGES O MACHINE LANGUAE DISADDVANTAGES Consume less space of computer memory They are prone to errors It is not difficult for machine to understand 0’s & 1’s Machine dependent It is the only language that computer understand They are tedious and boring to write and read They are very flexible They are difficult to amend for errors and to change LOW LEVEL LANGUAGE/ ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE This language is either a machine language or an assembly language. It is written in mnemonic or instruction code. Assembler converts programs written in low level language to machine language FEATURES OF LOW LEVEL LANGUAGE 1. Machine dependent 2. Syndetic code is used e.g HLT or HALT 3. Mnemonic codes are used in place of actual machined ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES It is next to machine language Assembly languages are more difficult to learn than high language System software are written in low level language Is difficult to modify than high level language Consume less of computer memory Machine dependent The task of learning and writing the language is easier than with machine language Difficult to code and time consuming Assembly language can be used or programming closed subroutines It can’t be used to write application program HIGH –LEVEL LANGUAGE A high –Level computer language is a programming language composed of instructions written in English words (for business application) or in mathematical notations (for scientific applications). A high –Level language must be converted into machine language through a translator e.g Compiler and interpreter. FEATURES OF HIGH –LEVEL LANGUAGE 1. It is machine independent 2. It consist of series of instruction code 3. Rules must be adhered to when writing it 4. It is easy to read and understand 5. They are problem oriented ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES They are machine independent Consume more computer memory They are easy to write and understand Difficult to translate into machine language They are problem oriented Translation takes more time and tedious It can be used on more than one type of computeR Produces less efficient programs in terms of speed and memory They are portable and easier to modify Does not take advantages of specific facilities on individual computers


CONTENT Application software are suites of programs with associated documentation, used for a particular type of problem or variety of similar problems. Mostly, applications programs are produced by an organization for internal use to perform specific tasks. CLASSES OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE Application software can be divided into two types: User Application Programs (Program written by the users) or customized software. Application Packages Are subdivided into: a) Special or Specific Purpose. These consist of programs designed to do just one specific task. E.g Payroll. b) General Purpose: These provide facilities which might be useful in a wide variety of business situations and used in different segments of business. E.g Database program and word processing program. Application Packages: Word processing Packages: Ms-word, Spread Sheet Packages. Ms Word is used to create, edit, save and print memos, letters, documents, term, papers, newsletter etc. It gives room for correction before printing is done unlike a type writer. Spreadsheets: Ms-Excel they are general-purpose tools which can be used for tasks which arise in a different application. Graphics Package: e.g Corel Draw Corel Draw: Is powerful graphic software for designing presentation publication jobs. The application and efficiency of Corel Draw involves creating graphics, text, designing and picture clip art. Database: The database Management System is complex software which constructs expands and maintains database. It also provides for an interface between the user and the data in the database. The database Management System (DBMS) maintains data in the Base by 1. Adding new records 2. Deleting old or dead records 3. Updating record An example of DBMS is Microsoft access: as the name implies, a DBMS aids you to manage and manipulate your data that is stored in a computer database.


CONTENT An operating system is a set of program which takes over the operation of the computer to the point of being able to allow a number of programs to be run on the computer without human intervention. Part of it stays in the core of the storage permanently, during the running of the computer. This part is known as the Executive Supervisor or kernel. The other parts, which are required less frequently are often held on a direct access storage device (disk) and called into the main memory when needed. Functions of the Operating System 1. It serves as a communication link between computer and the console terminal 2. It has control over selection and operation of input/output devices and filled handling 3. Does scheduling and loading of jobs in order to provide for continuous processing 4. Control system security by monitoring the use of passwords 5. It facilitates passing of control from one program to another without human intervention 6. It provide a complete record of all that happens during processing in form of a log 7. Helps programs to run Types of Operating System 1. Single program System: This permits only one user’s program to be in the main storage and processed at a time. It is available on micro-computers based system. Examples are MS-DOS, PC –DOS, 2. Simple Batch System: This provides for multi-programming but it has few facilities for interaction or multi-access 3. Multi access and Time sharing System: This system permits a number of users to access and use the computer at the same time. On larger micro computers as well as the smaller the smaller mini computers are a number of operating systems which are available for use e.g UNIX example is the OS/400 produced by IBM for use on the AS/400 super mini. Examples of Operating System can be looked at from two perspectives: 1. Command line (MS-DOS) Microsoft Disk OS: It was the main operating system for IBM pc personal computer during 1980 up to the mid 1990, until it was gradually overshadowed by operating systems offering a Graphical User Interface(GUI), in particular by various generations of the Microsoft windows OS. 2. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Examples of GUI are windows 95/98/2000/xp. Dos commands: A command instruction given to the computer to perform a specific task. DOS commands are grouped into two: internal and external commands. Internal commands are loaded into the computer memory during booting. They reside on the disk. UNIX: UNIX is widely used in both servers and work stations and mobile devices. UNIX was designed to be portable portable, capable of performing multi tasks and time sharing. MICROSOFT WINDOWS: All versions of Microsoft windows have had an MS-DOS like command Line Interface (CLI) Examples of GUI: Windows 95/98/2000/xp: Microsoft windows are series of software operating systems and graphical user interface produced by Microsoft. LINUS: Linus is an Operating System created hobby, by a young student, Linus Torvalds. It uses home and office desktop operating system. In addition to its adaptability and robustness, it is main alternative for proprietary UNIX and Microsoft OS. TRANSLATORS A translator is a system program that translates written high level language into a machine language. The statements in high level language are called source program. The statements in the machine language are called object program. Examples of Translators I. Assembler II. Compiler III. Interpreters UTILITY PROGRAMS Utility software is a kind of program designed to help, analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer. The main types include: Sort, Editors, File copying, Dump, File maintenances, Tracing and debugging


CONTENT Definition of Computer Software: Software refers to the programs which are processed by the Hardware. A program is a sequence of instruction that is carried out by the Hardware to solve given problems or to perform specific tasks. The software refers to the programmes which are processed by the Hardware. A program is a sequence of instruction that is carried out by the Hardware to solve given problems or to perform given tasks. SOFTWARE CAN BE CATEGORIES INTO TWO: SYSTEM SOFTWARE: System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application programs. If we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the hardware and user application e.g BIOS (Basic input output system), the BOOT program, Assembler etc. SYSTEM SOFTWARE IS DIVIDED INTO: 1. Operating system 2. Translators 3. Utility Programe APPLICATION SOFTWARE: These are sets of instructions written by a vendor to perform a specific task. Examples are MS word, skpe, explorer etc.


CONTENT Definition of Computer Software: Software refers to the programmes which are processed by the Hardware. A program is a sequence of instruction that is carried out by the Hardware to solve given problems or to perform specific tasks. Definition of Data : Data are raw facts or entity which no meaning has been attached to because it has not been processed. Data could be facts about people, places , things and their activities. Types of Data: Data can be in any of these forms 1. Symbols 2. Alphanumeric 3. Alphabet 4. Numeric INFORMATION: Information can be defined as any piece of fact, data or news discovered, heard or communicated to anyone verbally, or through writing or through other useful means. Examples of Information: Advertisement on news paper relating to vacancy, the zebra crossing gives information to road users etc